God Of War Ghost Of Sparta will be the second game exclusively developed for Sony PSP and released on November 2nd. God Of War Ghost Of Sparta follows Kratos in his quest to find out his origins and you’ll find out more about the early days of Kratos being the God Of War. In Ghost Of Sparta new details and info about Atlantis will be unveiled and also it features new enemies for Kratos, like King Midas and Scylla the sea monster.
So, to be more exact, the Ghost Of Sparta will tell the story of Kratos the Spartan and his way to become the new God of War and in this adventure he will be faced with new reveals about his troubled past. Kratos is equipped with its mighty Blades of Chaos that he uses to fight entire armies and legions of monsters and soldiers, also he is equipped with new magical powers, new weapons and other great features that will help overcame any threats in his quest to complete the adventures.
Track list
01 Atlantis 3:09
02 Deimos 2:05
03 The Caldera 3:17
04 Battle With the Scylla 1:34
05 City of Ashes 2:44
06 Aroania Mountains 3:09
07 Daughter of Death 1:44
08 Ghost of Sparta 3:00
09 The Brother 1:54
10 Canyons of Sorrow 3:10
11 The Fallen Brother 2:49
12 Death’s Domain 3:21
13 Deimos’ Revenge 1:36
14 Brothers In Arms 1:21
15 Calliope (Bonus Track) 2:53
16 The Wrath of Charon (Bonus Track) 1:57
17 Persian Combat (Bonus Track) 1:37