It has taken over half a century, but Miklós Rózsa’s iconic score for William Wyler’s 1959 epic, “Ben-Hur”, arrives in complete form at last—and “complete” in the best FSM sense of the word. This 5CD “Complete Soundtrack Collection” includes every film cue, every outtake, every alternate and every additional take preserved by the studio, mastered from the original six-track recordings, augmented by rare material from the Miklós Rózsa collection at Syracuse University. In addition, the set contains all three LP recordings released by MGM Records in conjunction with the film—including the premiere CD release of the rare (and controversial) Lion label disc.
Rózsa’s mammoth and colorfully orchestrated score—over two hours long—is rich in thematic material. Even so, over six hours of music from a single film might be a bit much for continuous listening, so FSM has organized the material into six different programs. Disc 1 and 2 are devoted to the full score (with outtakes); discs 3 and 4 present alternates from Acts One and Two in film order; disc 5 features still more alternates and bonus tracks (including a “do-over” of a "Quo Vadis" cue first released in FSM’s 15CD Miklós Rózsa Treasury). The three “soundtrack” LPs (all re-recordings made in Europe) make up the first half of discs 3–5.
Befitting its scope, nearly 20,000 words of text accompany this “Monumentum Maximum” edition. About 4,000 of them appear in the 28-page booklet, beautifully designed by FSM art director Joe Sikoryak and featuring track lists, film stills, poster art, album covers and essays on film (by Jeff Bond) and score (by Frank K. DeWald). In order to make the set more affordable, FSM is providing the rest of the notes online—for free. These include a track-by-track analysis of the film score, original LP liner notes and an explication of the various alternates and album versions.
With audio restored, remixed and assembled by Mike Matessino and Neil S. Bulk and with digital mastering by Doug Schwartz (a veteran of Rhino’s distinguished 2CD set from 1996), this stunning release is the capstone of FSM’s commitment (now totaling 40 discs) to this outstanding Golden Age composer.
Track listing
CD 1
01. Overture (06:29)
02. Anno Domini (01:31)
03. Star of Bethlehem/Adoration of the Magi (03:31)
04. Shofar Call (00:45)
05. Fanfare to Prelude/Prelude/Marcia Romana (03:59)
06. Spirit and Sword (00:50)
07. Salute for Messala (00:10)
08. Friendship (04:22)
09. The House of Hur (01:42)
10. Conflict (01:41)
11. Esther (02:34)
12. The Unknown Future (00:43)
13. Love Theme/Ring for Freedom (04:47)
14. Salute for Gratus (00:33)
15. Gratus' Entry to Jerusalem (01:56)
16. Arrest (01:18)
17. Reminiscences (01:47)
18. Condemned (00:56)
19. Escape (02:07)
20. Vengeance (00:47)
21. The Prison Part One/The Prison Part Two (00:46)
22. The Desert/Exhaustion/The Prince of Peace/Roman Galley (07:31)
23. Salute for Arrius (00:21)
24. Quintus Arrius (00:41)
25. Roman Fleet (01:05)
26. The Galley (03:18)
27. Rest (01:19)
28. Battle Preparations/The Pirate Fleet/Attack!/Ramming Speed/Battle/Rescue (09:50)
29. Roman Sails (00:47)
30. The Rowers (00:26)
31. Victory Parade (02:24)
32. Victory Finale (00:27)
Total Disc 1 Time: 72:02
CD 2
01. Fertility Dance (01:02)
02. Arrius' Party (01:13)
03. Nostalgia/Farewell to Rome (02:11)
04. A Barren Coast (00:26)
05. Judea/Balthazar (02:25)
06. Balthazar's World (01:56)
07. Homecoming (01:21)
08. Memories/Hatred (04:22)
09. Lepers (01:01)
10. Return/Promise (05:21)
11. Sorrow and Intermission (01:22)
12. Entr'Acte (03:47)
13. Panem et Circenses (00:52)
14. Circus Fanfares Nos. 1-4 (00:42)
15. Panem et Circenses (00:45)
16. New Fanfare for Circus Parade (Parade of the Charioteers) (03:15)
17. Circus Fanfare No. 6 (Fanfare for Start of Race) (00:11)
18. Panem et Circenses (00:57)
19. Circus Fanfare No. 7 (Ben-Hur Crowned) (00:16)
20. Bitter Triumph (00:46)
21. Aftermath (01:16)
22. Valley of Lepers/The Search (02:53)
23. The Uncleans (02:29)
24. Road of Sorrow (02:49)
25. The Mount/The Sermon (01:18)
26. Frustration (01:15)
27. Valley of the Dead/Tirzah Saved (04:00)
28. The Procession to Calvary/The Bearing of the Cross/Recognition (07:06)
29. Aftermath (Crucifixion) (02:21)
30. Golgotha (00:53)
31. Shadow of a Storm (01:01)
32. The Miracle/Finale (04:53)
Total Disc 2 Time: 72:02
CD 1-2 - The film score
CD 3
01. Prelude (03:23)
02. Adoration of the Magi (02:15)
03. Roman March (01:21)
04. Friendship (01:38)
05. Love Theme of Ben-Hur (02:49)
06. The Burning Desert (05:03)
07. The Rowing of the Galley Slaves (02:46)
08. Naval Battle (02:45)
09. Return to Judea (02:03)
10. Victory Parade (02:13)
11. The Mother's Love (02:59)
12. The Lepers' Search for the Christ (02:31)
13. The Procession to Calvary (04:30)
14. The Miracle and Finale (03:37)
Total Time: 40:11
CD 3, tracks 1-14 - The Savina Album
15. Star of Bethlehem (01:33)
16. Adoration of the Magi (02:04)
17. Prelude (01:58)
18. Spirit and Sword (00:56)
19. Revenge (01:22)
20. The Desert/Exhaustion/The Prince of Peace/Roman Galley (07:35)
21. Roman Fleet (01:06)
22. The Galley (03:14)
23. Rest (00:55)
24. Battle Preparations Part Two (00:49)
25. Roman Sails (00:47)
26. Victory Parade (01:36)
27. Fertility Dance (00:58)
28. Arrius' Party (01:45)
29. Judea (02:56)
30. Homecoming (01:43)
31. Sorrow (01:03)
32. Intermission (00:33)
Total Time: 33:34
CD 3, tracks 15-32 - Act One Alternates
Total Disc 3 Time: 73:53
CD 4
01. Prelude (03:26)
02. The Adoration of the Magi (02:10)
03. Roman March (01:16)
04. Friendship (01:45)
05. Love Theme of Ben-Hur (02:41)
06. The Burning Desert (05:02)
07. The Rowing of the Galley Slaves (02:48)
08. Naval Battle (02:50)
09. Return to Judea (02:14)
10. Victory Parade (02:13)
11. The Mother's Love (02:28)
12. The Lepers' Search for the Christ (02:16)
13. The Procession to Calvary (04:27)
14. The Miracle and Finale (03:38)
Total Time: 39:51
CD 4, tracks 1-14 - The First Kloss Album
15. Entr'Acte (03:49)
16. Panem et Circenses (01:10)
17. Circus Parade (Parade of the Charioteers) (02:13)
18. Aftermath (01:31)
19. The Search (01:40)
20. Road of Sorrow (02:49)
21. The Sermon (00:34)
22. Valley of the Dead/Tirzah Saved (04:01)
23. The Procession to Calvary/The Bearing of the Cross/Recognition (07:17)
24. Aftermath (02:20)
25. Golgotha (01:33)
26. The Miracle/Finale (04:26)
27. Entr'Acte (03:36)
Total Time: 37:34
CD 4, tracks 15-27 - Act Two Alternates
Total Disc 4 Time: 77:32
CD 5
01. Overture (03:58)
02. Star of Bethlehem (01:52)
03. Gratus' Entry Into Jerusalem (03:29)
04. The House of Hur (01:54)
05. Messala's Revenge (03:28)
06. Fertility Dance (01:26)
07. Farewell to Rome (02:12)
08. Arrius' Party (01:31)
09. Parade of the Charioteers (03:28)
10. Bread and Circus March (01:15)
11. Death of Messala (02:49)
12. Memories (02:38)
13. Sermon on the Mount (01:51)
14. Valley of the Dead (02:14)
15. Golgotha (02:44)
16. The Christ Theme from Ben-Hur (Alleluia) (02:40)
Total Time: 40:09
CD 5, tracks 1-16 - The Second Kloss Album
17. Star of Bethlehem/Adoration of the Magi (03:31)
18. Star of Bethlehem (01:33)
19. Adoration of the Magi (02:04)
20. Adoration of the Magi (02:04)
21. Spirit and Sword (00:38)
22. Gratus' Entry to Jerusalem (02:00)
23. Revenge (01:23)
24. Arrius' Party (00:52)
25. Sorrow (01:04)
26. Intermission (00:20)
27. Entr'Acte (03:37)
28. Aftermath (00:35)
29. Aftermath (00:35)
30. The Sermon (00:19)
31. The Sermon (00:19)
32. The Sermon (00:33)
33. The Sermon (00:38)
34. Golgotha (01:26)
35. Miracle (01:37)
36. Finale (01:15)
37. Finale (00:34)
38. Finale (01:10)
39. Love Theme (02:18)
40. Harun al Rozsad (02:06)
41. Quo Vadis Prelude (with chimes)/Drums (Appian Way) (01:39)
Total Time: 35:04
CD 5, tracks 17-41 - Additional Alternates and Bonus Tracks
Total Disc 5 Time: 75:22