Developed by From Software, Dark Souls is the spiritual sequel to the Playstation exclusive Demon's Souls, an action rpg experience that surprised by not only gaining critical acclaim, but obtaining publishing in 3 regions and racking estimated sales of over 1 million units. The original game's appeal lay with its renowned difficulty and trial-and-error approach, one that Dark Souls promises to sustain, thus attracting Demon's Souls' fanbase. The developer and publisher have both stated that there are no intentions for DLC.
Music of this game composed by Motoi Sakuraba
01. Prologue [03:45]
02. Fi****** Shrine [02:56]
03. Taurus Demon [02:39]
04. Bell Gargoyle [03:25]
05. Gaping Dragon [02:57]
06. Pinwheel [02:16]
07. Chaos Witch Quelaag [02:38]
08. Daughters of Chaos [02:54]
09. Iron Golem [02:50]
10. Crossbreed Priscilla [03:04]
11. Great Grey Wolf Sif [03:21]
12. The Ancient Dragon [03:18]
13. Ceaseless Discharge [03:02]
14. Ornstein & Smough [02:49]
15. Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight [02:46]
16. Dark Sun Gwyndolin [02:54]
17. Four Kings [02:43]
18. Centipede Demon [03:00]
19. Bed of Chaos [03:40]
20. Gravelord Nito [03:09]
21. Seath The Scaleless [02:59]
22. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder [03:37]
23. Nameless Song 1 [06:38]
Enjoy with FLAC if you like.