When we waiting for the real soundtrack from talented Lances Hayes (aka DJDM) why not we try game rip music which might be more than enough to make you excite behind the wheel. Try the most electric music to fill your room and get the game burns..
1. EV
2. InitialExperienceAmbient
3. InitialExperienceAmbient_NoIntro
4. Load_Screen_Loop_V2
5. Race 1 - AlistairHirst-1
6. Race 1 - BobandBarn-1
7. Race 1 - CamoKrooked-CrossTheLine
8. Race 1 - DannyByrd-WeCanHaveItAll
9. Race 1 - DirtyVegas-NeverEnough
10. Race 1 - IanLivingstone-1
11. Race 1 - JesperKyd-FiresofAsgard
12. Race 1 - LanceHayes-ICMF.
13. Race 1 - LanceHayes-Quadripole
14. Race 1 - MarQ-DriveShaft
15. Race 1 - MattRagan-1
16. Race 1 - MikeCaviezel-1
17. Race 1 - Netsky-IronHeart
18. Race 1 - Netsky-RiseandShine
19. Race 1 - RichardJacques-1
20. Race 1 - TheQemists-DirtyWords
21. Race 1 - TheQemists-TakeItBack
22. Race 1 - ThomasErikson-Discolights
23. Race 2 - AlexMetric-ItStarts
24. Race 2 - AlistairHirst-2
25. Race 2 - BobandBarn-2
26. Race 2 - CamoKrooked-Cryptkeeper
27. Race 2 - ChasingShadows-Who
28. Race 2 - DannyByrd-JudgementDay
29. Race 2 - DirtyVegas-LittleWhiteDoves
30. Race 2 - EvilNine-NoManners
31. Race 2 - IanLivingstone-2
32. Race 2 - JesperKyd-Two
33. Race 2 - LanceHayes-Rundown
34. Race 2 - LanceHayes-TollCrasher
35. Race 2 - MarQ-RedLine
36. Race 2 - MattRagan-2
37. Race 2 - MikeCaviezel-2
38. Race 2 - NuTone-TheFeeling
39. Race 2 - RhythmBeater-HighOctane
40. Race 2 - RichardJacques-2
41. Race 2 - TheQemists-YourRevolution
42. UI 1-01 - UI_SuicideDoor
43. UI 1-02 - UI_EV
44. UI 1-03 - UI_Berlinetta
45. UI 1-04 - UI_ColdATF
46. UI 1-05 - UI_CourseOne
47. UI 1-06 - UI_Sterling
48. UI 1-07 - UI_MetricsExclusionary
49. UI 1-08 - UI_ParisRouen
50. UI 2-01 - UI_LegendaryRatio
51. UI 2-02 - UI_BallisticCircuit
52. UI 2-03 - UI_LaSalle
53. UI 2-04 - UI_Kingpin
54. UI 2-05 - UI_FasciaSF
55. UI 2-06 - UI_Underride
56. UI 2-07 - UI_Passing
57. UI_POI_Kinect_Loop_V2
And you can not miss this beautiful trailer below which narrated by Jeremy Clarkson - Top Grear host. Where Dreams Are Driven.