Despite its sultry soundtrack and hip interiors BBC One’s Luther started badly last year. Cop show clichés abounded and Idris Elba’s eponymous tortured detective seemed simply sulky. Then it got better. The overarching story arc – begun when Luther’s wife announced she was leaving him in the first episode – reached a hair-tearing finale when she was shot dead by a reptilian colleague of her husband’s. You still couldn’t credit Luther for realism but the piece gathered pace and Elba found texture in a role which in lesser hands could have remained a cardboard cut-out – and was rewarded with a Golden Globe for his trouble.
Track list
01 - Massive Attack - Paradise Circus feat. Hope Sandoval
02 - Suede - She's In Fashion
03 - Muse - Feeling Good
04 - Beck - Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime
05 - Sia - Breathe Me
06 - Nina Simone - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
07 - Dusty Springfield - I Only Want to Be with You
08 - Joan As Police Woman - Flash
09 - Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams
10 - Grinderman - Palaces of Montezuma